Subject: ISACA Germany: Call for Papers, events, seminars

Dear All,
Once again, we would like to invite you to submit a proposal for a presentation or workshop with interactive elements at the IT GRC Congress 2023, which will take place in Munich on 7 and 8 November 2023. Acceptance of a submission also includes a free congress ticket for the person presenting.

Register as a speaker and submit your abstract for the congress via the online form by 30 April 2023! You can find more information here. We look forward to your submission!

Position Paper of the Data Analysis Specialist Group - The Potential of Audit Automation

In today's world, companies are confronted with various challenges that need to be mastered in the context of digitalisation and digital transformation. This results in new types of "data-centric" audit topics in practice. Inevitably, the inclusion of new audit objects in the audit universe or the expansion of existing audit areas is necessary to deal with the new requirements. Thus, digitalisation leads to a significant change in the activities of the auditor with other professional competences. One element of change will be the automation of audits.

The ISACA Data Analysis Specialist Group would like to motivate and provide practical support for the automation of audits and has explained the requirements and benefits as well as a possible procedure using simple examples. Interested parties can freely download the position paper here.

Regional ISACA Regulars' Table

If you are still looking for a programme for tonight, you are cordially invited to join our Frankfurt Stammtisch (regulars' table) from 6 pm at the ALEX restaurant in Frankfurt Skyline Plaza. The aim of the regulars' table is a general exchange of expertise - focusing on issues that are currently affecting the round in the respective companies - as well as stronger networking among the members.

For more information and to register, click here.
Innovation & Tech Talk Online Event

The Innovation & Tech Talk specialist group invites all members and interested parties to the Tech Talk on 30 March 2023 from 11 am to 12 pm (CEST) on the following topic: Threats to information security through "low-budget IoT" using practical examples.

In this talk, Axel Dors will go into more detail about the use of "low-budget" IOT components and the problems that can arise as a result, and will demonstrate this by means of an illustrative live demonstration.

You will receive 1 CPE for attending. Further details and the link for registration can be found on our website.
ISACA Data Protection Meet Up

The ISACA Germany Chapter and the Data Protection Specialist Group invite all members and interested persons (not only data protection officers) to another Regulars' Table in Hamburg on 20 April 2023 at 6:30 pm. The restaurant will be announced after the registration deadline and will be centrally located in the city centre, accessible by public transport. The number of participants is limited, first come first serve.

In order to facilitate the organisation, we kindly ask you to register via the registration form by 11 April 2023. (Short-term participation may also be possible, please contact our office if applicable).

Risk Management Congress 2023

The 17th edition of the annual conference of our cooperation partner, the RMA e. V., on the topics of risk management, rating, compliance and governance is once again all about comprehensive knowledge transfer from experts for experts and decision-makers - in theory and practice. This year, we have placed a focus on the topic of "Cyber / Information Risk Management".

You can look forward to presentations such as "Automation options in the cyber / information risk management process", "Cyber risks threaten companies - information security the game changer", "Risk management for the smart factory", "The importance of risk management for sustainable family businesses", "Internal risk reporting", "Evolution of the risk management system at Deutsche Telekom", "Criminal, strategic and operational trade compliance risks using the example of the Russia embargo" and many more topics.

ISACA members receive a 100 euro discount on the participation fee. Benefit from the early bird discount and save another 100 Euro if you book by 31 March 2023! More information on the programme, speakers and lectures as well as the possibility to register can be found on the event website.
Start: 8 May 2023 at 9:30 am
End: 9 May 2023 at 3:45 pm

PULLMAN Cologne Hotel
Helenenstraße 14, 50667 Köln

We are happy to give you an overview of our next training dates again. Further dates and our complete training offer including detailed information can be found on our seminar website. For a quick overview we recommend our seminar flyer.

Next dates:
Cyber Security Practitioner: 27 March 2023 sowie 12 May 2023 (online)
Cyber Security Practitioner OT: 28 March 2023 (online)
CRISC exam preparation: 24-26 April 2023 (online)
Zusätzliche Prüfverfahrenskompetenz für §8a (3) BSIG: 24-26 April 2023 (online) and 22-24 May 2023 in Düsseldorf
CDPSE exam preparation: 27-28 April 2023 (online)
COBIT practical course: IT Risk Practitioner: 27-28 April 2023 (online)
Information Security Practitioner: 4-5 May 2023 (online)
Cyber Security Grundlagen: 8-9 May 2023 in Frankfurt am Main
CISA exam preparation8-11 May 2023 in Berlin
COBIT practical course: IT Governance & IT Compliance Practitioner: 1-2 June 2023 in Frankfurt am Main
CISM exam preparation: 19-21 June 2023 (online)

You can register via the seminar websites or by email to with your ISACA ID and billing address.
We also offer all our seminars as in-house measures. If you are interested, please contact our office.

You will receive Continuing Professional Education Hours (CPEs) for attending our courses.
We look forward to your training registration!
Stay healthy!

Kind regards
The office of the ISACA Germany Chapter e. V.

You can find more information about our association on our website at
You can read ISACA Global's monthly newsletters here.
ISACA Germany Chapter e. V. | Storkower Straße 158, 10407 Berlin | phone: +49 30 37580810 | email: | web:

Register of Associations District Court Frankfurt (VR 14052)

Dr Tim Sattler (President), Thomas O. Englerth (Vice President - Certifications), Dr Martin Fröhlich (Vice President - Finances & Administration), Markus Gaulke (Vice President - Education), Prof. Dr Matthias Goeken (Vice President - Publications), Julia Hermann (Vice President - Communications & Marketing), Matthias Kraft (Vice President - Expert Groups)

Our general terms and conditions for trainings (GTCs) apply.

*Translated with
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