Subject: ISACA Germany: Christmas greetings from the President and review of the year 2022

Dear Members,

Twelve challenging months lie behind us. The year 2022 was marked by crises and war. People's trust in digital technologies is also dwindling due to cyber attacks and disinformation as a means of hybrid warfare, among other things - and with it the expectation that digital technologies and the companies that offer them will protect people's interests and uphold societal expectations and values.

Our parent organisation ISACA Global has therefore declared "Digital Trust" to be the imperative of the day and is striving for a digital ecosystem in which value is created and trust is the norm. Our members - you - play a crucial role in this - whether in information security, data protection, governance, risk management, compliance or audit. With the establishment of a European office in Dublin this year, ISACA Global also aims to strengthen support for the European chapters and their members.

We again received a lot of positive feedback on the IT GRC Congress 2022, which took place on 27/28 September as a face-to-face event with over 250 participants in the Rosengarten in Mannheim. The congress as well as the general assembly on the evening of the first congress day offered a lot of opportunity for personal networking, which was perceived particularly positively by a large majority of participants after the virtual events of the two previous years due to the pandemic. Next year there will again be an IT GRC Congress in cooperation with our proven partner dpunkt.verlag. You should note the date and venue of 7/8 November 2023 at the Hilton Munich City Hotel in Munich.

We have also further expanded our training offer and added the "Cyber Security Practitioner OT" as a new course. Overall, the demand for training was strong, especially the courses offered virtually were very well received. The complete seminar programme for 2023 can be found on our website.

Rounding out our event offerings were the virtual lecture series "Innovation & Tech Talk" and the English-language "OneInTech Roundtables", each of which can also be accessed retrospectively via our chapter's YouTube channel, as well as Focus Events and BarCamps.

As part of an initiative of "OneInTech, an ISACA Foundation", we were able to offer a scholarship of 5,000 USD for the first time this year for a master's student in cybersecurity.

Two special interest groups were newly founded this year, the special interest group "Datenschutz” (Data Protection) and the special interest group "Digital Trust". The special interest group "IT-Revision" (IT Audit) presented the revised new edition of its guide "Grundlagen der IT-Revision für den Einstieg in die Praxis“ (Foundations of IT Auditing for Getting Started). A new edition of the guideline "Implementierung eines ISMS nach ISO/IEC 27001“ (Implementation of an ISMS according to ISO/IEC 27001) of the special interest group "Informationssicherheit" (Information Security) based on the amended ISO/IEC 27001:2022 is about to be published.

Our publications also experienced pleasing growth through the expansion of the ISACA book series at dpunkt.verlag with the titles "Agilität für IT-Governance, Prüfung & Revision“ (Agility for IT Governance & Auditing) and "IT-Governance: Ordnungsrahmen und Handlungsfelder für eine erfolgreiche Steuerung der Unternehmens-IT” (IT Governance: Regulatory Framework and Fields of Action for Successful Corporate IT Governance), which will be published in the spring of next year.

The growing importance of the professional fields represented in ISACA has been reflected for years in the membership development of our chapter, which has continued its positive trend in 2022. With currently more than 3,600 members, the ISACA Germany Chapter is one of the largest ISACA chapters worldwide.

All activities and offers of our chapter would not be possible without voluntary commitment - whether in the board, in the special interest groups or as lecturers. It is only through the active cooperation and collaboration of our members that new formats can be created which constantly expand our range of topics and offer you the widest possible range of continuing education opportunities, professional exchange and networking. Please let us know if you have any suggestions or ideas or would like to volunteer.

Finally, as in every year, I would like to express my special thanks on behalf of the entire board to all members who have made an indispensable contribution to the success of the ISACA Germany Chapter through their voluntary work, their expert contributions, e.g. for the magazine "IT-Governance" and through their extraordinary commitment, e.g. in the specialist groups or as speakers. Furthermore, my special thanks go to Ms Anett Bolanz and Ms Valentina Breise in our office in Berlin for their tireless efforts.

I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a successful, peaceful and healthy New Year 2023!
Dr Tim Sattler
President ISACA Germany Chapter e. V.

You can find more information about our association on our website at
You can read ISACA Global's monthly newsletters here.
ISACA Germany Chapter e. V. | Storkower Straße 158, 10407 Berlin | phone: +49 30 37580810 | email: | web:

Register of Associations District Court Frankfurt (VR 14052)

Dr Tim Sattler (President), Thomas O. Englerth (Vice President - Certifications), Dr Martin Fröhlich (Vice President - Finances & Administration), Markus Gaulke (Vice President - Education), Prof. Dr Matthias Goeken (Vice President - Publications), Julia Hermann (Vice President - Communications & Marketing), Matthias Kraft (Vice President - Expert Groups)

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