Subject: ISACA Germany: IT GRC Congress 2024, New Podcast, Events, Seminars

Dear All,

Tomorrow (16 May 2024) from 11:00 to 12:00, our next online Innovation & Tech Talk event will take place on the topic of ‘Post Quantum Cryptography - encrypted communication in the age of quantum computing’.

In this talk, we will join Volker Reers, computer scientist, cyber security expert and entrepreneur, on a journey into the field of Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC), a crucial area of development with the aim of strengthening digital defences against quantum computer attacks.

You will receive 1 CPE for participating. Further information and the link for registration can be found here.

IT GRC Congress 2024

There are only a few days left until our IT GRC CongressCome to Hamburg and be there on 3 and 4 June 2024 when top-class talks deal with risk management, IT governance and security in times of AI.

You can expect relevant expert contributions from industry and business, banks, IT system houses and regulatory institutions. In addition, numerous ISACA specialist groups will present their activities and results.

We are particularly pleased that AI expert Tina Klüwer from the BMBF and successful coach Holger Stanislawski, who will report on what business can learn from professional sport, have confirmed their attendance.

There are only a few places left. You can purchase these via the congress websiteWe look forward to seeing you there!
Annual general Meeting 2024

In order to enable all our members to participate in this year's Annual General Meeting, it will take place this year on 3 June 2024 from 5 p.m. hybrid. In order to offer all participants the opportunity to vote, this year we will conduct the elections online using an audit-proof tool. For technical reasons, only members who have registered in advance for either in-person or online participation will be able to take part in the elections this year, as we have to upload a list of voters to the tool, which cannot be changed afterwards.

Further information such as the agenda and the possibility to register can be found on our website under

Please note that registration is only possible until 3 June 2024 at 3 p.m.

The next episode of our PODCAST series is now available:
In episode 16, Eric Vogel and Nora Haberkorn (leadership team of the AI section of the ISACA Germany Chapter) give you an overview of the EU AI Act - Europe's law on AI.

Click here for the podcast on YouTube.
We invite everyone to listen in. If you have any suggestions for podcast topics, please send them to
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, so you never miss a podcast again! You can also find the recordings of our Innovation & Tech Talk Playlist on YouTube.

Save the Date for the next She@ISACA Meetup

The new initiative She@ISACA of the ISACA Germany Chapter cordially invites all members and other interested parties to its second Meetup on 23 July 2024 in Leonberg at Schönbrunn TASC GmbH (Riedwiesenstraße 1, 71229 Leonberg).

The maximum number of participants is limited to 40 people. Make a note of the date, further details will be available soon on the event website.
Project Management Conference
PM Summit 2024

The PM Summit 2024 on 25. und 26. November in Munich (EY Munich, Arnulfstraße 59, 80636 Munich) is aimed at professionals and interested parties from the field of project management who want to expand their knowledge, find out about current trends and network with like-minded people.

Further information and registration details can be found on the event website.

Call for Paper
You are also cordially invited to submit your proposals for a presentation or workshop (30-45 minutes) by 31 May 2024. We are looking for exciting presentations from practice for practice, as well as presentations on developments that will influence our work in the future, in both German and English.

The final programme will go online in June 2024. Further information on the call for papers can be found 
Cyberevolution 2024

The KuppingerCole cyberevolution conference is a revolutionary event that focuses on cybersecurity in an AI-driven digital world. With expert speakers and innovative sessions, it will explore various technologies, new threats and strategies that are shaping the future of digital security.

Meet 500 security experts in Frankfurt (Kap Europe) from 3 to 5 December 2024 and look forward to interactive sessions to explore cybersecurity in an AI-driven digital world. More information about the event can be found here.

Call for Speakers
Submit your proposal for a presentation via the event website by 28 June 2024 and receive your free ticket to the event as a speaker!
We are happy to provide you with an overview of our upcoming seminar dates. Further dates and our complete range of training courses, including detailed information, can be found on our website under "Ausbildung & Events". For a quick overview, we recommend our seminar flyer.

Next dates:
CISA exam preparation: 27-30 May 2024 in Berlin
Cyber Security Expert: 3-7 June 2024 in Frankfurt am Main
Cyber Security Practitioner: 10 June 2024 (online)
Cyber Security Practitioner OT11 June 2024 (online)
CISA exam preparation: 24-25 June, 1-2 July 2024 (online)
You can register via the respective seminar website. Please note that member discounts can only be calculated when logged in. We also offer our seminars as in-house programmes. If you are interested, please contact our office.

You will receive continuing professional development hours (CPEs) for participating in our courses.
We look forward to your seminar registration!

Yours sincerely
The office of the ISACA Germany Chapter e. V.

You can find more information about our association on our homepage at
You can read the monthly newsletter of ISACA Global here.
ISACA Germany Chapter e. V. | Storkower Straße 158, D-10407 Berlin | phone: +49 30 37580810 | email: | web:

Register of Associations District Court Frankfurt (VR 14052)

Dr Tim Sattler (President), Thomas O. Englerth (Vice President - Certifications), Dirk Meissner (Vice President - Finances & Administration), Markus Gaulke (Vice President - Education), Prof. Dr Matthias Goeken (Vice President - Publications), Julia Hermann (Vice President - Communications & Marketing), Matthias Kraft (Vice President - Practice Groups)
Our general terms and conditions for trainings (GTCs) apply.

*Translated with
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