Subject: ISACA Germany: IT-GRC-Kongress, Thesis Award, Stipendium, Umfrage bzl. Community Day, Veranstaltungen, Seminare

Dear All, 

the application deadline for our scholarship has been extended until 14 August 2023! If you are a cyber security master's student, please apply now for the $7,500 scholarship! In addition, the awardee will also receive a Career Building Bundle enhancing package from ISACA including a free one-year ISACA student membership, ISACA course, mentoring and more.

More info on the scholarship as well as how to apply for the scholarship can be found here: ISACA Germany Chapter Scholarship

If you have any questions about the scholarship or the application, please contact Julia Hermann.

We are looking forward to your application!

It is a great pleasure to inform you that our Young Professionals are planning an action on the occasion of the ISACA Community Day on 7 October 2023.

To make the event a success, we need volunteers. If you would like to participate, please answer our survey by mid-August. For more information, please see the introduction of the survey.
The next episode of our PODCAST series is available now:
In episode 11, Angelika Holl and Matthias Kraft give you a preview of the ISACA IT-GRC Congress on 7 and 8 November 2023 in Munich.

You can access the podcast here.
We invite everyone to listen to it. If you have any suggestions for podcast topics, please send them to
Subscribe to our YouTube-Channel so you never miss a podcast again! You can also find the recordings of our Innovation & Tech Talk events on YouTube.
IT-GRC Congress 2023

The programme of the IT-GRC Congress 2023 is online! Come to Munich on 7 and 8 November 2023 and refresh your knowledge of security, IT governance and risk management.

You can expect contributions from the ISACA specialist groups on future-oriented topics. In addition, the programme offers keynotes and expert contributions from industry and business, banks, IT system houses and regulatory institutions.

You will receive 12 CPEs for attending.

For more information and to register, please visit the congress websiteTake advantage of the early bird discount until 31 August 2023! 
Highlights from the programme 
Data protection-compliant AI: A challenge for compliance?

The presentation explains which compliance requirements (data protection) exist for AI systems and shows solution approaches for implementation. The focus here is on the technological consideration of AI systems and the resulting challenges for data protection-compliant implementation.

Establishing and operating a group-wide IT emergency management system

This presentation addresses the challenges of setting up and operating a group-wide IT service continuity management. From a strategy to group-wide regulations and guidelines to responsibilities and emergency drills, all topics will be covered and insights shared.

Once a year, the ISACA Germany Chapter awards a prize to the best academic thesis dealing with IT governance, information security, IT risk management or related topics. Technical aspects (e.g. IT security) are not in the focus.

Master's and bachelor's theses written in the current or previous calendar year at a German-speaking university can be submitted. Please note that the deadline for submissions is 31 July 2023!

The award will be presented at the
 IT-GRC Congress 2023 on November 7 and 8, 2023 in Munich.

Further information about the Thesis Award can be found
We are happy to give you an overview of our next training dates again. Further dates and our complete training offer including detailed information can be found on our seminar websiteFor a quick overview we recommend our seminar flyer.

Next dates:
Zusätzliche Prüfverfahrenskompetenz für §8a (3) BSIG: 30. August-1. September 2023 (virtuell)
Cyber Security Practitioner: 1. September 2023 in Frankfurt am Main
COBIT Praxiskurs: IT Governance & IT Compliance Practitioner: 4.-5. September 2023 (virtuell)
CISA Examensvorbereitung: 5.-8. September 2023 in Frankfurt am Main
CISM Examensvorbereitung: 11.-13. September 2023 in Düsseldorf
Cyber Security Grundlagen: 14.-15. September 2023 (virtuell)
Cyber Security Expert: 18.-22. September 2023 (virtuell)
Cyber Security Practitioner OT: 25. September 2023 (virtuell)
COBIT Praxiskurs: IT Risk Practitioner: 25.-26. September 2023 (virtuell)
CRISC Examensvorbereitung: 27.-29. September 2023 (virtuell)
Cyber Security Practitioner: 29. September 2023 (virtuell)

Anmelden können Sie sich über die Seminarwebseiten oder per E-Mail an unter Angabe Ihrer ISACA-ID und der Rechnungsadresse.

Für die Teilnahme an unseren Kursen erhalten Sie Berufsfortbildungsstunden (CPEs).
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Seminaranmeldung!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Die Geschäftsstelle des ISACA Germany Chapter e. V.

Nähere Informationen zu unserem Verein finden Sie auf unserer Homepage unter
Die monatlichen Newsletter von ISACA Global können Sie hier lesen.
For English version please click here.
Storkower Straße 158, 10407 Berlin | Tel.: +49 30 37580810 | E-Mail: | Web:

Vereinsregister Amtsgericht Frankfurt (VR 14052)

Dr. Tim Sattler (Präsident), Thomas O. Englerth (Vizepräsident - Zertifizierungen), Dr. Martin Fröhlich (Vizepräsident - Finanzen & Verwaltung), Markus Gaulke (Vizepräsident - Weiterbildung), Prof. Dr. Matthias Goeken (Vizepräsident - Veröffentlichungen), Julia Hermann (Vizepräsidentin - Kommunikation & Marketing), Matthias Kraft (Vizepräsident - Fachgruppen)

Es gelten unsere Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Seminare (AGBs).

Gender-Hinweis: Aus Gründen der besseren Lesbarkeit wird auf die gleichzeitige Verwendung der Sprachformen männlich, weiblich und divers (m/w/d) verzichtet. Sämtliche Personenbezeichnungen gelten gleichermaßen für alle Geschlechter. 
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