Subject: ISACA Germany: Member registration, survey, events, seminars

Dear All,

As we pointed out in our last newsletter, we have had a new website since the beginning of September. Please remember - if you have not already done so - to register in the internal area so that you can continue to register for our seminars and other events at discounted member prices and continue to receive our publications, such as the IT Governance journal.

We would also be very pleased if you would attend this year's Annual General Meeting on 7 November 2023 in Munich. Please also register for this via our website.
The general meeting will take place within the framework of our annual congress. All information on the IT-GRC Congress and the possibility to register can be found on the 
congress website.

The specialist group IT Compliance in Finance and Insurance is asking for your support in a scientific study - specifically, the perception of success and failure factors in regulatory IT projects.

You can access the survey via the QR code on the right or under this link. Please participate until 30 November 2023.

Answering the survey takes about 20 minutes. By completing the online questionnaire, you agree that we may treat your data strictly confidentially and anonymously.

The findings of our study serve purely scientific purposes, which we will be happy to share with you after evaluation and processing. Of course, you are welcome to share the link - the more participants, the better!

If you decide to apply for 1 CPE for your ISACA certification(s), please - in case of a CPE audit - take a screenshot of the thank you screen as proof that you participated in the survey.
You can apply for CPE in the MyISACA section of the website under Contributions to the Profession. You will not receive a separate CPE certificate.
ISACA at it-sa 

On 10 October 2023 at 14:30, Chris Dimitriadis, Chief Global Strategy Officer of ISACA Global will participate in a panel discussion in International Forum B at it-sa in Nuremberg on the topic "AI and the digital transformation - can Digital Trust create the necessary security and trust?". Further information can be found here: it-sa Expo 2023 | Action: AI and the digital transformation - can Digital Trust create the necessary security and trust? (

On this day, there will also be an ISACA Meeting Point at the qSkills stand in Hall 7a, Room 514, where you can discuss with our board member Markus Gaulke.

If you would like to visit us on this day at it-sa, we would be very pleased. As a member of our chapter you can get a free entry to it-sa. You can find the code for this in the members area on our website.
Innovation & Tech Talk Online Event

The specialist group Innovation & Tech Talk 
invites all members and interested parties to the English-language Tech Talk on "Navigating the Perfect Storm of a Cyber Crisis" on 19 October 2023 from 11:00 to 12:00.

Digital transformation is revolutionising all industries and organisations are becoming more dependent on technology to deliver products and services to customers. As a result, organisations need to ensure their business is cyber resilient. Learn from Cybersecurity Senior Manager, Ahmed Magdy, how to prepare your business to remain resilient to cyber threats.

You will receive 1 CPE for attending. For more details and the registration link, please visit the event website.
Industrial Security Conference

At the Industrial Security Conference in Copenhagen, 14-15 November 2023, you will experience presentations from leading experts around the world, rewarding keynotes, knowledge sharing and networking with international peers in the industry.
Program is made in collaboration with ISACA Denmark Chapter and includes 0 sales pitches or prior given presentations. At the conference you will get new knowledge and information so you can stay up to date on the threats facing critical infrastructure, how you can take the necessary steps to protect your organization and how you can stay ahead when it comes to IT/OT cyber security and protecting critical infrastructure from cyber-attacks.

For further information and to register please visit the event websiteAs a member of ISACA Germany chapter, you can enjoy a 20% discount off the current delegate price. You can find the code for this in the members area on our website.
IT Security Summit

The IT Security Summit is the new trade fair and conference for IT security in the company. This is where the leaders in IT security and cybersecurity from SMEs to corporations meet to share their experiences, discuss best practices and challenges, and learn about the latest solutions.

Our President, Dr. Tim Sattler will also be there and will take part in the panel discussion on "How do we get IT security into the organisation - is the employee the weakest link?" at 16:15.

The conference will take place on 19 June 2024 in Hamburg. Benefit from the early bird discount and book your ticket until 31 October 2023. In addition, members of our chapter will receive a 100 EUR discount on the participation fee. You will find the code for this in the members area of our website.

For more information and to register, please visit the event website.
We are happy to give you an overview of our next seminar dates again. Further dates and our complete range of training courses including detailed information can be found on our website under "Ausbildung & Events". For a quick overview, we recommend our seminar flyer.

Next Dates:
CISA exam preparation: 16-19 October 2023 (online)
Information Security Practitioner: 19-20 October 2023 (online)
Cyber Security Practitioner OT: 13 November 2023 (online)
Cyber Security Grundlagen: 14-15 November 2023 in Frankfurt am Main
CDPSE exam preparation: 14-15. November 2023 (online)
Cyber Security Practitioner: 17 November 2023 (online)
Zusätzliche Prüfverfahrenskompetenz für §8a (3) BSIG: 20-22 November 2023 in Frankfurt am Main
CISA exam preparation: 20-21, 27-28 November 2023 (online)
CISM exam preparation: 22-24 November 2023 (online)
COBIT practical course: IT Governance & IT Compliance Practitioner: 23-24 November 2023 in Cologne

You can register via the respective seminar website. Please note that member discounts can only be calculated when you are logged in. 
We also offer our seminars as in-house measures. If you are interested, please contact our office.

You will receive professional development hours (CPEs) for attending our courses.
We look forward to your training registration!

Kind regards
The office of the ISACA Germany Chapter e. V.

You can find more information about our association on our website at
You can read ISACA Global's monthly newsletters here.

ISACA Germany Chapter e. V. | Storkower Straße 158, D-10407 Berlin | Tel.: +49 30 37580810 | email: | web:

Register of Associations District Court Frankfurt (VR 14052)

Dr Tim Sattler (President), Thomas O. Englerth (Vice President - Certifications), Dr Martin Fröhlich (Vice President - Finances & Administration), Markus Gaulke (Vice President - Education), Prof. Dr Matthias Goeken (Vice President - Publications), Julia Hermann (Vice President - Communications & Marketing), Matthias Kraft (Vice President - Expert Groups)

Our general terms and conditions for trainings (GTCs).
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