Subject: ISACA Germany: Scholarship, Podcast, Events, Seminars

Dear All,

ISACA Germany Chapter and ISACA’s foundation, One In Tech, invite you to apply for an academic scholarship focused on cybersecurity-related studies! We will award a 7,500 USD academic scholarship for tuition to one master’s student who meet a certain criterion. The awardee will also receive a Career Building Bundle including free one-year ISACA student membership, ISACA course, mentoring, and more!

Learn more about the scholarship and criteria: ISACA Germany Chapter Scholarship

Application Coming: 5 June 2023, 12:00 pm US CT
Applications Due: 3 July 2023, 11:59 pm US CT

Please contact Julia Hermann with any questions about the scholarship or application.

We look forward to receiving your application!
The next episode of our PODCAST series is available now:

In episode 10, the leadership team of the Digital Trust specialist group, Christian Ewel and Kilian Trautmann, give us insights into the Digital Trust specialist group. You can listen to the podcast here.
We invite everyone to listen to it. If you have any suggestions for podcast topics, please send them to
Subscribe to our YouTube-Channel so you never miss a podcast again! You can also find the recordings of our Innovation & Tech Talk events on YouTube.
Regional ISACA regulars' table

Our next regulars' table will take place on 28 June 2023, starting at 5 pm in Weinheim, at the premises of suhling management consulting (Hauptstraße 128, 69469 Weinheim). The maximum number of participants is limited to 10. After a lecture by Mr. Peter Suhling on the topic of "Occupational health and safety compliance - risks and opportunities", you will have the opportunity to exchange ideas among yourselves on audit topics and to round off the evening in a nearby pub.

You will receive 1 CPE for attending. For more information and to register, click 
Focus Event on 6 July 2023 (hybrid event)

The ISACA Germany Chapter invites you to a joint focus event with Deutsche Telekom on 6 July 2023 from 18:00 to 20:00. The event will take place at the headquarters of Deutsche Telekom AG in Bonn. Online participation is also possible.

After the following presentations, there will be an opportunity to round off the evening in a nearby pub:
  • Skill Management in Audit - Digitalised Skill Management and Modern Skill Set as a Critical Success Factor for Auditing by Patrick Beyer (Vice President Advanced IT & Technology Audits, Deutsche Telekom AG).
  • BSI presentation on IS auditing by Matthias Becker (Penetration testing and IS auditing, Federal Office for Information Security)
You will receive 2 CPEs for attending. Further information and the possibility to register can be found 

ISACA Austria Chapter - Trend Talk ChatGPT and AI

Instead of our monthly Innovation &Tech Talk event, together with the ISACA Austria Chapter, we invite all members to an online Trend Talk on "ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence - Strengths and Weaknesses, Challenges and Limitations - a first classification of where the journey is heading!" for 25 May 2023 from 17:00 to 21:00.

Everyone is currently talking about OpenAI's revolutionary new chatbot; called ChatGPT. GPT is the abbreviation for "Generative Pre-trained Transformer". ChatGPT uses artificial intelligence to understand human speech to generate a response similar to human speech. ChatGPT can be used for almost anything imaginable, both positive and negative. In the course of the TrendTalk, the speakers will try to give first answers to the strengths and weaknesses of ChatGPT as well as to existing challenges and possible limits of artificial intelligence.

You will receive 3 CPEs for participating.

Please register for the event at this registration link. Click here for the event flyer with the detailed programme.
SAVE THE DATE - ISACA Milan online event on Artificial Intelligence

ISACA Milan Chapter invites all ISACA members and other interested persons to a bilingual online event via Zoom on the topic of "Artificial Intelligence" for June 13, 2023, starting at 2:00 pm.
Presentations will be given in Italian and German and simultaneously translated into the other language. CPEs will be awarded for participation.

The event is still in preparation. Reserve the date already today. More information will be available soon on our

We are happy to give you an overview of our next training dates again. Further dates and our complete training offer including detailed information can be found on our seminar website. For a quick overview we recommend our seminar flyer.

Next dates:
COBIT practical course: IT Governance & IT Compliance Practitioner: 1-2 June 2023 (online)
CISM exam preparation: 19-21 June 2023 (online)
CISA exam preparation: 26-29 June 2023 (online)
Cyber Security Expert: 3-7 July 2023 in Berlin
Cyber Security Practitioner: 6 July 2023 (online)
Cyber Security Practitioner OT: 7 July 2023 (online)

You can register via the seminar websites or by email to with your ISACA ID and billing address.
We also offer all our seminars as in-house measures. If you are interested, please contact our office.

You will receive Continuing Professional Education Hours (CPEs) for attending our courses.

We look forward to your training registration!

Kind regards
The office of the ISACA Germany Chapter e. V.

You can find more information about our association on our website at
You can read ISACA Global's monthly newsletters here.
ISACA Germany Chapter e. V. | Storkower Straße 158, 10407 Berlin | phone: +49 30 37580810 | email: | web:

Register of Associations District Court Frankfurt (VR 14052)

Dr Tim Sattler (President), Thomas O. Englerth (Vice President - Certifications), Dr Martin Fröhlich (Vice President - Finances & Administration), Markus Gaulke (Vice President - Education), Prof. Dr Matthias Goeken (Vice President - Publications), Julia Hermann (Vice President - Communications & Marketing), Matthias Kraft (Vice President - Expert Groups)

Our general terms and conditions for trainings (GTCs) apply.

*Translated with
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