Subject: Today: MDR/IVDR Online Info Event!

Hello Friend,

a quick reminder: The MDR/IVDR online info event ist starting today at 5 pm!

To attend, just click on the button below, type in a name and click on "Teilnehmen".

We are looking forward to an interesting and informative evening!


Prof. Dr. Folker Spitzenberger, TH Lübeck

Professor for Regulatory Affairs and leader of the Centre for Regulatory Affairs in Biomedical Sciences at Technische Hochschule Lübeck.

Philippe Etter, Medidee

Active in the field of medical devices compliance since 27 years and one of the three founders of Medidee, the leading MedTech Regulatory, Clinical and Quality consulting firm.

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Amtsgericht Lübeck HRB 5753 | Geschäftsführer und gesetzlicher Vertreter: Dipl.-Kfm. Andreas Dörich